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My Experience

Background & Expertise

Resume': CV

Program Director/Morning Show Host KHYI - Dallas, TX

May 2011- Present

Responsible for the operations and air staff of the radio station as well as hosting the morning show.

Show Prep, Interivews

Responsible for hiring, training, and sometimes firing personnel.

 Intimately involved in promotions and live appearances.

Write, voice, and produce commercials. Some ad sales. 

Responsible for keeping the station on the air, maintaining the computer automation systems.  


Host/Owner The Official Texas Countdown - Nationally Syndicated

July 2002- Current

Host a weekly 2 hour program focused on Texas Country Music that I created back in 2002. It is based on the top 20 songs in Texas and is heard in over 40 markets across the world.
Responsible for all aspects of program from conception to distribution

Night-APD-MD KFWR - Fort Worth, TX

July 2005 - January 2008

Hosted nights.

Executed daily music logs for 3 stations
Was instrumental in development of specialty programming
Show Prep, Interviewd guests
Trained new hires in station formatics.
Structured and maintained a live Sunday night acoustic music show at Billy Bob's Texas.
Made promotional appearances at public and private events.

Acted as interim Program Director during a transition period.
Recorded commercials for later broadcast.
Filled in for both Production Director and Program Director
Helped with computer issues with automation system
Voice tracked mornings on KRVF Sulphur Springs

Voice tracked nights on KRVA Corsicana

Morning Show Host/Music Director KOUL - Corpus Christi, TX

March 2001 - March 2005

Hosted mornings with a co-host.
Executed daily music logs.
Was instrumental in development of specialty programming. 
Show pre, interviewed guests.
Trained new hires in station formatics.
Made promtional appearances at public and private events. 
Recorded commercials
Produced TV spots for 3 FM stations.
Filled in for production director at times when he was unavailable.

Voice Track Talent Star System/Capstar/AMFM Inc - Austin, TX

January 1999 - January 2001

Voice tracked a variety of stations and formats.
Helped troubleshoot problems with studio computers.
Helped run national contests.
Scheduled music for several stations.
Developed and produced syndicated programming
Interviewed guests.

Afternoon Drive KYGL - Texarkana, AR

October 1996 - January 1999

Hosted afternoon show.
Show prep, Interviewed guests.
Pointman for Prophet System
Wrote, voiced, and produced commercials.
Made promotional appearances at public and private events.

Program Director/Music Director/Middays KBYB - El Dorado, AR

December 1985 - October 1996

Responsible for the day to day operations of the radio station.

Hosted middays.

Wrote, voiced, and produced commercials. 

Developed on air promotions.

Show prep, and interviews.

Made personal appearances at public and private events.


Assistant PD/Music Director/Mornings/Middays/Afternoons Noalmark Broadcasting - El Dorado, AR

August 1993 - October 1995

Responsible for morning show, programming, and music on KISQ. 
Responsible for Middays on KIXB.
Responsible for news and afternoon talk show on KELD.
Wrote, voiced, and produced commercials.
Made personal appearances at public and private events.
Show prep and interviews for 3 stations.

Overnights/Weekends KJLO - Monroe, LA

November 1990 - August 1993

Hosted overnight and weekend shows.
Voiced and produced commercials.

Afternoons KMSL - Magnolia, AR

December 1986 - December 1989

Hosted afternoons.
Scheduled music for my own show using card system.
Voiced and produced commercials.
Made personal appearances at public and private events.

Nights KTFS - Texarkana, TX

August 1985 - August 1986

Hosted nights.
Produced sports talk show for AL Umpire Derwood Merrill.
Voiced and produced commercials.


What I’ve Learned

Resume': CV

Northeast Louisiana University

Aug 1989 - Dec 1990

Some MA work  in Broadcasting. Left school 9 hours short of degree after the passing of my mother.

Southern Arkansas University

Aug 1984 - May 1989

BA in Broadcasting

Dale Carnegie Management Course


Completed the Dale Carnegie Management Training Course

Tracy Johnson's Morning Radio Training Course


Completed a morning radio training course created by noted radio consultant Tracy Johnson. Learned skills essential to a winning morning show. Continue to receive ongoing consultation with Tracy.

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